5 Things You Need To Avoid In Thailand

things you need to avoid in thailand

Things You Need To Avoid In Thailand

When you travel accross the globe to Thailand, it’s not only the climate that changes. Things you consider “normal” might be some of the things you need to avoid in Thailand. It’s important to be aware of cultural differences and customs to avoid any missteps. Here are some things to keep in mind when visiting or living in Thailand as a foreigner:

Don’t disrespect the royal family

things you need to avoid in thailand

When you’re in Thailand, it’s very important to be respectful to the royal family because they’re a big deal there. The Thai monarchy is a huge part of Thai society and represents their national identity, unity, and stability. If you disrespect the royal family, it’s like dissing their traditions and cultural values, which is a major no-no.

Thailand has strict laws against insulting or bad-mouthing the king or royal family. So, you gotta be careful with your words and actions. Show some respect, follow the local customs, and don’t do anything that might come off as disrespectful. Otherwise, you could get into some legal trouble or mess up your relationships with the locals. Remember, it’s not just about obeying the laws, but also about appreciating and respecting Thai culture and traditions.

Don’t dress too touristy

Dress modestly

First, blending in with the local culture can help you have a more authentic experience and connect better with the Thai people. When you dress in a manner that reflects the local style, it shows that you respect and appreciate their culture.

Second, dressing in a way that screams “tourist” may make you a target for scams or overcharging. Some vendors or service providers may assume that tourists have more money to spend and may try to take advantage of that. By dressing more modestly and avoiding overly flashy or touristy clothing, you may attract less unwanted attention.

Lastly, Thailand is a predominantly Buddhist country, and it is considered respectful to dress modestly when visiting temples or religious sites. Wearing revealing or inappropriate attire may offend the local customs and beliefs. It’s important to be mindful and dress appropriately, especially when visiting sacred places.

Overall, by opting for modest, comfortable, and culturally appropriate clothing, you can enhance your experience in Thailand, show respect for the local culture, and potentially avoid some unnecessary hassles.

Avoid public displays of affection

Another one of those things you need to avoid in Thailand, is to show your special one public affection. Things like kissing or hugging, are not as common as in other parts of the world. Thai culture is more conservative when it comes to that stuff. You won’t see many Thai couples making out or being all lovey-dovey in public. It’s just not their style.

It’s all about respect and fitting in with the local customs. Being all over each other in public might make people uncomfortable and think you’re being disrespectful. Plus, when you visit temples or sacred places, definitely keep your hands off each other. That’s a big no-no.

So just remember that being overly affectionate in public might not go down well in Thailand, and it’s always best to be mindful and respectful of the local culture and customs.

Don’t touch people’s heads

In Thai culture, the head is considered the most sacred part of the body. So among the things you need to avoid in thailand is touching someone’s head, even if it’s a child.

Basically, it’s like invading their personal space and messing with their good vibes. Thai folks believe it can mess up the positive energy or bring bad luck. Plus, Thai society is all about respecting others and their social status. So, it’s especially important not to touch the head of someone older or more important than you.

To play it safe and show respect, just keep your hands to yourself and find other ways to greet people. No head-touching in Thailand, got it?

Be mindful of your tone and volume

When it comes to how you talk, being aware of your tone and volume is a big deal. Again, it’s all about showing respect and being considerate to others. Thais are generally soft-spoken, so speaking loudly or using a raised voice can be seen as aggressive.

Different cultures have different expectations for how people should speak. So, if you’re in a foreign country like Thailand, pay attention to their norms. You don’t want to offend anyone by being too loud or having a tone that’s not appropriate.

Using the right tone and volume helps you communicate effectively and avoids misunderstandings. By being mindful of your tone and volume, you show respect, adaptability, and good communication skills. We have fond that a big smile goes a long way!


By following these guidelines and being mindful of cultural differences, you can ensure a respectful and enjoyable stay in Thailand. Remember to always be respectful, polite, and open-minded.

These are the things you need to avoid in Thailand that we have found. Do you know other things that you think we should add? Please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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